Jean Guilard is a singer, songwriter and bandleader, as well as a TV personality a broadcaster and a radio DJ Jean Luxey Guilard worked his way to create DIMENSION RADIO TV NETWORK.
From a very humble beginning as early as 1991 he worked for the ministry of information as (un attache au service de Recherche et de Documentation) which consist of gathering infos all over the country on small projects for the office of the Presidency. Jean Guilard in the same year had provided his services to one of the top Television station in Haiti (TNH) as a TV Journalist and Documentary. Always on point and never waiver information. Jean Guilard was the TMZ of its time.

Jean Guilard migrated to the US in 1999 New York was is destination point, finally he was getting closer fulfilling his childhood dream to be in a position to help his country.The birth of Dimension Radio TV Network has made it possible now Guilard has the platform to bring information to the youth abroad and at home and specifically what was happening in the world of Haitian politics.

Music has always been my love and I have quite a pass to prove it said Guilard by getting gigs from SIKLON , JACKY AMBROISE and JACQUES SAUVEUR JEAN. A brief stay with the group PAPASH was his last experience in the homeland. IN 2015 Jean Guilard had finally produce his own album Title Gerizon Lanmou the video clip is on YouTube and Facebook .